the temple of dawn-

my favorite river monster. on da same river as river monsters where they caught that hugh 15ft.stingray. didnt see that but we did see 5ft long lizard like dragons layin in da sun. think id be more scared of them then a big ass stingray fo sho'

bangkok river from top of temple of dawn

last night we went to rajadamnern for some fights. real good fight. sat in the bullshit farong front row not have a choice crap. i prefer the pits wit da locals but the make it impossible if you a white dude. hate that.

so took me n nut 33 total hours of travelin' but we made it. been training hard in this heat twice a day. last night met up with the homie misha from sf. he meets us at the angel witch of course, he brings this lil thai homie with him. we walk in and the dj makes some announcement that this thai dude just walked in. turns out that he's like the justin timberlake of bangkok and had no idea that he had the number 1 pop song last year. girls were going crazy. i thought it was funny as shit. so the whole night at angel witch we kept buying big buckets of the ping pong ballz and kept throwing at everyone. go go girls go crazy for ping pong ballz. strolled back to khosan round 3. damn i hate europeans. they dress n act like fuckn retards.
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