so im in bangkok, and was invited to go out on the rivers in a boat. of course i said yes. im thinking, onna those long speed boats or a normal boat. well i get there and we assembled this home made, make shift, scrape boat. made outta ac vents, water barrels and some plywood. the little boat ruled. did a lil fishing(didnt catch shit), casted some nets(caught some skrimps) grilled some skrimps on da river bank in a lil clay pot, and drank a shit ton of thai whiskey. mao mak mak. such a dope day. thai people are so generous. i need to learn how to talk fluent thai!!! you can only hand gesture so much, and say a few key words before you wonder are they laughin at a joke or laughin at me. hahaha. all good people. designer and captain of the boat was pee-chai.

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