gustavo the homie from sf came in from bangkok last night, and misha took the bus from the cambodian border on the kho chang islands to kick it with me in pattaya. all the trainers invited me to the big fairtex staff party. live band,pig roast,dancin',costume contest,comedians,breakdancing,and shit tons of thai whiskey. all the trainers were dancing and drinking. misha taught them how to do "the dougie". was so damn funny seeing retired muay thai campions all doing the dougie. the love they showed us is sometin' i will never forget. after a good buzz we went to walking street. misha was wasted n i made the girls pull him up on stage, they ripped his pants off, 6 naked girls smakin' him, n spankin' him, they pulled his dick out and beat the shit outta it with foam spankin' sticks. hahahahha. he couldnt believe it. hahaha so funny! at one point i couldnt find him n he was outside sleepin'. i thought he went to get food or some shit. good fuckin' times. peace
hahahaha amazing. miss you freaks. AH LIE GUN YEA BITCHES!!