Friday, February 11, 2011


so before training today i took the motorbike out to the sanctuary of truth. hugh hand built wooden castle right off da beach. place was sick, this crazy spiritual,... man i cant even put it into words. i didnt want to leave. kept staring at this thing. it was so hugh n surreal. i had a hugh hangover from drinking a whole bottle of jameson w/ big ted in an alley next to fairtex. but man the redbull out here is the best instant hangover remover. life is good out here. been having a blast n been catchin' thai television lately. straight up thai tv sucks. bunch of shitty soap operas and goofy comedy shows. the best shit tho is that they play all the old cartoons i grew up with but the're dubbed in thai so i cant understand much. im talkin voltron, thundercats, heman, all the good ones i liked. the funniest thing is on scooby doo, when scooby talks in thai, he sounds like a fuckin retaded dog. i was laughin my ass off. off to get some chicken sticks(i could live of chicken sticks). i have about 8 a day. catch me later. peace to my tenderloin top team homies. miss you dudes. hit me up. peace

1 comment:

  1. miss you, dude im coming back dont move, we are gonna live there! im so depressed being back here, lol MISHA
