so i was invited to a dinner party at horseshoe point. horseshoe point is dope, 100's of race horses, 100's of acres, bunch of pools, apartments, condo's, bars, and of course jiujitsu. horseshoe point is owned an operated by big japanese automotive tycoons. super nice people, very humble n welcoming. "o' san francisco huh, they have good sushi," one said. and out walks this giant bob sapp. ate brazillian style steak(salty),and brazilian style pizza(bananas on it). bob sapp the x-NFL football player turned MMA fighter, is one cool mutha fucker. he's fought mirco crocop, antonio nogueira, kimo, butterbean, tried to fight mike tyson, and can crush an apple with his bare hand! hahaha. its all japanese freak show shit, but he's cool as hell. sapp is at horseshoe point for private jiujitsu here in pattaya. peace
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