jomhod sitsongpeenong had dope style and in between every round he comes out like a pitbull of da chain running out like he cant wait to fight. unfortunately he lost to veerachailek outta p.theerachai. good fight.

championship flyweight bout.

the house was packed for a good fight card. the gamblin pits, after ever kick n knee the stadium would exploid with excitement. ohhhh, and ehhhhhh, kneeee, kneeee! was a good fight card for sure, most big name gyms all fought:13coins,sitsongpeenong,fairtex,kaiyang 5 daoyim etc... i love seeing fights at lumpini. you can smell the history.

last night was misha's last night out here in bangkok. so mai and the rest of the members of i-nam took us out for dinner and 2 bottles of johnny walker black. im still hurtin'. training sucked today. wet whiskey piece of hungover shit.
check out their band here. much respect to my thai homies. good times.