Well shit, after 33 hours of total flying time i finally made it back to bangkok. had a stop in seoul, and then singapore, and flying sick is the worst. touched down, headed to the city and straight to a pharmacy. gave me some stupid strong antibiotics and i cleared up in about a week. kinda funny flying super long time spans on a plane, to me its all about locking down the arm rest. you gotta let that person next to you know, get on the plane earlier than them or wait for them to take their first bathroom break, or even just simply attitude will award you the shared armrest. but once its locked down, flight goes pretty well. but damn its good to be back out here. nuthin like a trip to thailand to remind yourself, 1:fuck I'm a fat ass, and 2: my muay thai sucks. but being on antibiotics for a week and not drinking and running 10 miles in the morning with da school, and training twice a day, i was able to drop 7kilos in 7 days. a kilo is roughly 2.2 lbs. "a kilo weights a thousand grams, its easy to remember!" It been the chinese new year festivities here and for it, and the day after being a buddhist holiday we all piled in 1 car(all being 8 of us, and 1 dog)and drove 3 hours south to a beach town called Phan Buri. reminded me of tulum a bit. and wasn't a whole lot of white sun burnt russians there. seemed to be more of a place thai people go on vacations to. got back to bangkok late last night and woke up in the middle of the night with the worst food poisoning. been on the shitter all day. actually on the 7am morning run this morning, almost shit myself, thought i was gonna have to jump in the water n shit myself there so it at least looked to the other guys that i was just "coolin' off". cuz its hot as a mutha out here right now any how. aight. more later. peace.