the shoe. man... brings back them memories. i used to rock hugh jeans. hahaha.

old advancedmammal logo done by the homie big jason (rapes df)

ha. pablo before he got fat n weird. handsome lil mexican.

skate sessions on the coffee table.

so when sheen was out here visiting he gave me a few old fliks from the days when we were young, dumb, n broke n decided to move into the middle of the worst neighborhood in the united states.(seriously, got rated the worst neighborhood in the country in 2008, you had a 1 n 6 chance off get robbed or shot) the shoe building, in the heart of over the rhine, downtown cincinnati, OH10... we didnt have a phone(people would just whistle), a toilet that worked(had to leave a toilet snake in permanently) , a kitchen(had a microwave, but we did loot an abandoned speedway gas station n got the whole counter set-up, cup dispensers n thankyou trash drops), . lived off malt liquor n big slappy's pizza.(notice the big ass pizza box on da table). me n sheen were talking about them days n think how far we'd come now. shit it did take 6 long years to be where we are now. alot of wrong decisions, alot of lost causes, but look at where we are now. back then i had a shitty job at joes crab shack, rode a crusty rusty stolen girls mountain bike thru the ghetto everyday to work n back. sheen had the worst job, trying to school, n discipline sexually, n mentally abused sons of ohio rednecks, pablo was a waiter, and josh just sat in his room, read books, n pissed in milk gallons. and so when we moved into this spot it had nothing, seriously nothing, i think there was a toilet full of shit, egg shells n an old rusty fridge, and we had no money what so ever. we did what we had to do, we begged borrowed n stole everything to make a home. we should have had our own reality show at the time, something like the survivor show, but instead of hawaii or fiji, it would have been the over the rhine season. we completely worked as a small community of about 5 of us. if ron got paid we all had money. if i got paid we all ate pizza and had beer for a week n so on. everyone always got a piece off everyone else. pops came n helped put in some electricity, all the fellow grafwriter homies came n made the place pop. in 3 months time we had a real nice 6000sq ft. loft space. real ill art show parties, after hours spot, had our screen printing company off the ground n running smooth, started making good money and we just kept growing ever since. "from the basement to the spaceship" was are motto. but yo them memories of this crazy ass underground ghetto layer are unforgettable.
reminise! sheen, pablo, iso...lets keep growin'.