had a great action packed day yesterday. started off in chinatown for the GEE TUK benevelent society's annual kung fu celebration. immediantly rushed outta there to go to the DRAGONHOUSE for our monthly smoker fights. there was 25 cage fights there. then took off to go see our homie tyler fight in a muay thai smoker match in the mission. tyler whooped ass and won.(he kicked this kid so hard the kid spun around like a tornado) . then finished off the night in chinatown playing dice n getting "sleep in a bush" drunk. good day.
so my roomate rons leaving the bar late last night on his bike and gets hit by a cab. flies over the cab smashes his shoulder on the street pavement. cops write him a ticket for running threw a redlight with no lights on his bike. heres the xray of it. enjoy..........he's fine. haha.